Prevention, Delay and Management of Chronic Disease:

What you eat today matters for your health tomorrow. By helping our body repair from natural and environmental damage each day, we support a system that naturally supports our health. Chronic diseases, such as pre-diabetes, diabetes, heart disease, brain diseases, and cancer require long-term management. Targeting specific strategies that work for you to address patterns in your diet may improve your chances for a healthy, active future.

Health at Every Size

While your genetically deemed weight, often consistent with ancestors who weighed similarly and lived long, healthy lives, is not in itself a concern, unexpected changes in weight should be investigated. Rather than selecting food with a primary concern in weight management, an awareness check with your overall food patterns, physical activity, sleep and stress management can help you decrease your risk of disease and lead a balanced life.

Gut Health

When your gut isn’t feeling normal, life gets complicated. Either increasing your knowledge and consistency in reducing known triggers, or using a FODMAP or modified stabilization and reintroduction protocol to identify new triggers, you may be able to modify your diet to control uncomfortable gut symptoms.

Family Nutrition:

Advances in technology have taken the field of nutrition to new levels of awareness over the past decade. The ages and stages our bodies go through can raise questions and necessitate new knowledge and changes in our routine. Whether a toddler seems to not be eating enough, an 8-year old has a tummy, a teen is exploring vegan nutrition, a young adult faces their first kitchen, a couple is taking more time than they hoped to conceive, a little weight is creeping on over time, or a new diagnosis has rocked your world; nutrition matters. Perspective on the urgency (or not) of the situation and individualized strategies that work for you are key in being your healthiest self.